Where legends begin

Physical Education
The Sport and Physical Education program at Camelot Rise Primary School promotes early success, participation and engagement in a range of physical activities that lead to continued physical activity throughout the years of schooling and beyond.
Whole school events include our swimming program, gala days, community events such as district athletics, cross country, swimming and our traditional Twilight Sports family evening.
Foundation to Level 2:
The curriculum focuses on students developing an understanding of how to be healthy and safe through the development of movement skills, physical play, manipulation of equipment, and spatial awareness. Students focus on active play, and minor games to encourage teamwork and cooperation. Fundamental motor skills such as bouncing, catching, throwing, hitting, and kicking are introduced. Gymnastic skills are taught to ensure students develop bodily awareness and improve coordination.
Levels 3 to 6:
The curriculum focuses on further developing and refining the eleven fundamental motor skills through targeted games and coordination activities. Students understand the rules associated with games and actively perform various roles and responsibilities. Health-related physical activities such as fitness assessments are also conducted throughout the year. In addition to their PE lessons, all students participate in weekly sports sessions. District events such as athletics, cross country, and swimming are introduced. Whole school events include our swimming program and community events such as the annual Twilight Sports family evening.