Where legends begin

Visual Arts
Visual Art provides children with an opportunity to portray their thoughts, feelings and perceptions through many different mediums. It fosters imagination and individual expression. Children explore and express their creative ideas by investigating a variety of 2D and 3D art forms. They experience and develop skills in a range of art forms and media including drawing, painting, printmaking, collage, modelling, construction, and textiles.
Foundation to Level 2: In the first years of school, the emphasis is on experimenting with a wide variety of materials and techniques to create individual expression. Children are encouraged to talk about their work, that of their classmates and other artists as well as draw upon play and imagination.
Level 3 to 6: As children move through the school, there is an increased focus on developing and using skills, techniques and processes to communicate their thoughts and feelings in a wide variety of Visual Art forms. They are exposed to an assortment of materials, media and tools, and learn how to apply techniques and processes specific to each skill areas. Children build on their knowledge of artistic language and elements including line, pattern, shape, colour, symmetry, tone, texture, movement, spacial awareness, and perspective. They observe and respond to artwork created by their peers, other artists and cultures, and develop an understanding of art in society.

Performing Arts
Performing Arts encompasses Music, Dance and Drama, and is fundamental to the creative, intellectual and emotional development of all children, particularly young children. It engages imagination, fosters flexible ways of thinking, develops memory and enhances personal and interpersonal development. Children perform, create and respond, and it extends their awareness of themselves and others as performers and audience members.
Music: Children listen, sing, move, play games, write and read music, use body percussion and tuned and untuned percussion instruments. They learn about instruments, musical genres, informal and formal notation, and composing. They look at elements such as: beat, rhythm, pitch, tempo, dynamics, harmony, form, texture, tone colour, feel and melody. Children create music in groups and solo to perform to an audience.
Dance: Includes action, space, time, energy and form, and how to use these to get a message across in movement.
Drama: Children look at characters, setting, dialogue and stage directions. They act impromptu, in scenes from scripts, and through creating their own stories and short scripts.
As part of the Performing Arts program, children have the opportunity to perform in L3-6 Choir, Soiree for those that learn an instrument, Christmas Concert, and a Whole School Production every 2 years.
Also offered by external companies, is the ability to study an instrument during school hours. At the moment the school has Metro Music and Ilona Wright (piano - ph: 0421 070 840) offering their services to students.